Certain representations in the About Us, Mission and Strategy sections are not objective truths. They are the opinions of Management, and in each case, Management believes them to be true.
The information presented on our website is for informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not contain material information about investments offered by Pivot Point Capital LLC (Pivot Point), including important disclosures relating to the risks, fees, expenses, liquidity restrictions and other terms of investing with Pivot Point. It does not constitute an offer of investment advisory services by Pivot Point or its affiliates, nor does it constitute an offering of securities or limited partnership interests.
Copyright 2025. All material on our website is protected by U.S. and other copyright laws and may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted without the prior written consent of Pivot Point.
Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.
- Winston Churchill
Pivot Point has returned all investor capital. See “About Us” for further details.
Pivot Point Capital maintains a concentrated portfolio (eight to twelve companies at any one time) of high quality small-cap companies carefully selected from a watch list of approximately one hundred candidate companies. Each of our portfolio investments is extensively and actively researched, analyzed and monitored on an ongoing basis, a process through which we develop a deep and sophisticated understanding of the company’s business model and operations, its industry and market positioning, and the current and longer term issues affecting its performance and stock price.
We invest most often at times of severe dislocation, when the company’s stock price has dropped sharply due to market overreactions to news or events perceived to pose significant threats to its financial performance, relying on our deep understanding of the business to form judgments as to how and when the issues will be resolved and the extent to which the stock price will recover. Because our strategy is based on the assessment of substantial issues that often take significant time to play out, we are willing to hold investments longer than many investors, ultimately yielding the potential for higher returns when the issues are resolved and investors again look favorably on the company. It is this in-depth knowledge, together with our team’s agility, insight and patience, that set Pivot Point apart and underpin our investment performance.